We had a luncheon at church today and a friend of ours was telling us about her daughter having fertility problems and that her next step is to get an egg donor. Of course Emma doesn't miss anything and she starts asking "What's an egg donor?". I told her to ask Melissa (the one telling us about her daughter). I'm such a chicken - no pun intended.
This afternoon Brian & I watched a movie while the girls were napping, it was what Brian affectionately calls a "mama movie". Emma woke up and came in right at the tail end of it where the two main characters are getting on a plane. Emma being the child she is that asks 529,332 questions per day starts asking questions about them getting on the plane and then asks "Are they going to get a baby?"! We both got a good laugh out of that one.
Which reminds me, we were driving down the road the other day and Emma is asking me when she is going to have babies and then she tells me she doesn't want to because it makes her ears hurt and then she asked me if I would go with her. It took me a minute to realize that she was talking about her ears popping on the plane. I'm so silly, I of all people should know that babies come via airplanes.
Kids can be so comical without even meaning to be, and everything is still new and mysterious to their innocent little minds. I love it. This post really made me smile, not that haven't had a perma-grin all weekend anyway (guess who just got their referral)
Thanks for sharing, your kids are so cute.
Gin =)
Oh so freakin' cute! Each one of those little quotes from out of the mouths of your babes could have been their own posts. ;)
So funny -- don't you just love hearing what they're thinking!
Those are sweet sweet stories. We are Baptist and we eat ALL the time at church...our girls think they are "supposed" to eat at church all the time!
What a hoot! Cute stories!
So cute! I guess she's learning early that church leads to casseroles! :)
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