Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Star Student

Little Miss Emma was chosen as the 'Star Student' for the week a few weeks ago and that title came with several special privileges at school as well as some special projects to celebrate "her". She reveled in all the attention and was most proud of her life size drawing where they traced her outline and she personalized it. Then her little buddies shared kind things about her. I'm sharing my favorite comments from her friends ... aren't they just too cute?!

"She never hits anyone". Oh my goodness, that one really makes me laugh!

And while we're talking about Emma, I have a funny story to share. I've already shared an abbreviated version of this on Facebook so some of you may have already read this. My apologies if that is the case!
We had some major drama with Emma the other morning because she wanted to wear her fancy Christmas dress to school on the same day as her class party. I've been to these parties before and I know that I know that I know that they are messy so I was really surprised that Emma wanted to wear it and I told her no, that she could not wear it. At first she tried telling me that she was supposed to wear it but she backed down from that some when I called her little friend's mom to verify. She changed her tactics on me after than and told me that she had already told her friends that she was wearing it to school and that if she didn't wear it, well then - that meant she was lying. She went on to tell me that if she was lying then that meant she was going to be in trouble with Jesus.
Where in the world does she come up with these things! And how in the world do I stay one step ahead of her? Can you say "hand full"!


Unknown said...

Just wait 'til she's 16!

sierrasmom said...

I just love that girl!!!! Check out my Christmas video on my blog. What a difference a year makes!!!!! Love to you all!!!!!

Marla said...

Let me know when you figure out the parenting thing, I'll take all the help I can get! I always feel like I'm one step behind my kids. :o)