Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Emma's First Movie

Ryan & I took Emma to see her very first movie on Monday night. Ratatouille. Until then, she had not even watched a movie at home either, although we tried watching Finding Nemo one time and she just didn't seem interested. She did fairly well with the movie, until her popcorn ran out! She ended up in my lap at some point and would bury her little head in my chest and tell me she wanted to go home when the bad guy was shown up close.

Ryan & I enjoyed the movie, even though he had declared not too long ago that he was too old for animated movies. Uh-hmmm.

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

What a wonderful idea to take pictures of Emma's first trip to the movies! Looks like it was a success.

Chloe loves the popcorn too.

Great blog. You now have a new follower.

Lori W