Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Photo Friday

With summer winding down, the cooler weather moving in and the first few leaves that have been falling - I can't help but go back and look at some of the pictures from this summer.  I know I drive my friends and family crazy with snapping photos but I love pictures.  So many feelings and emotions are brought back from some of  these.

With that said, this picture tickles me to the core of my soul in so many ways.  First, Ryan & Emma have such a unique relationship and they are alike in several ways.  He loves the rough and tumble play and she enjoys receiving it as much as he loves dishing it out.  Secondly, Ryan has finally discovered that having an adorable spunky little sister can work to his advantage in, umm ... how do I say this, in certain "situations".  Which typically means if there are cute little teen chickas around then Emma is going to somehow be involved in something!  Thirdly, Emma has the ability to even look graceful being tossed in the pool.  Please tell me all these gymnastics lessons are going to bring more value to her life than making her look cute flying toward the water!

the long road

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Something New for Ryan

If you've been a reader on here for a while, you know we're one busy family with kids & their sports.  Ryan plays two seasons of baseball and then plays basketball in the winter.  He tried soccer once when he was little but it was the year we moved here and he was one sick little boy due to allergies and that season did not go well.  He started playing t-ball when he was either 3 or 4, I'm not sure which.  He also played flag football for several years as well.  This year he is trying something new & so far loves it - running cross country! And me, I've seen as many baseball games as I really care to see and am totally loving this cross country thing!  So far he has had two races, ran 41st out of 350 on his first race and then ran 17th in his race this past weekend.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back To School

Like a month late ... again, I'm behind on this blessed blog o' mine.

Life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes.

So, school started - almost a month ago.  This year sees my baby girl Rebecca off to Kindergarten, Emma to 2nd grade and Ryan into 8th.  I still can't believe my last has started school and yes, it's been a bittersweet time for me.  She's outgrowing some of her little girl things but thankfully she was ready & happy for school to start.  Getting to ride the bus with Emma was a HUGE thing for her and each day since has been a happy day for her & she is enjoying learning all the new songs and words. 

Oh, and Rebecca's buddy "Flat Norah" saw her off to school too.  "Flat Norah" came to visit from The Netherlands earlier this year & my intention was to take her to visit a lot of sites - but a broken wrist put a slight damper on that.  Norah is one of the little girls that lived at the Starfish Home with Rebecca & her mom sent me several pictures of Rebecca when they were there adopting their daughter.

Speaking of the Starfish Home, I bought Rebecca's shirt back earlier in the year as a reminder of her time at the Starfish Home.  In retrospect, I wish I had bought several for all of her little Starfish buddies.  By the time I thought of it though the line had already sold out.  :-(
Sweet sisters!

And then there's Ryan who thinks he is too big for me to take his picture getting on the bus.  This was as close as I could get to getting a 'back to school' shot of him.  What's with these teenagers and getting their pictures made?  One day they're saying "LOOK MOM - TAKE MY PICTURE!" then before you know it they see the camera come out and they duck and hide.  I don't get it.

Happy back to school!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Favorite Photo Friday

My blog buddy Lisa is changing things up a little on her side and has added a new fun thing - "Favorite Photo Friday" .. and since my blog has been rather stale lately, I think I'll join in on the fun!

This picture was taken back in the summer while we were on vacation and to me just sums up their little personalities.  Emma is the one always looking for fun and is as mischievous as they come.  Little Rebecca is much more reserved when around other people, but can be just as silly as Emma at times too.   But oh how she loves her big sister and loves it when Emma hugs her up tight ... even if it does tickle just a tad.

Hop on over & check out some other favorites!

the long road