Saturday, September 26, 2009

Six Flags

I mentioned that prior to going back to work and the kids starting back to school, we got in some extra back to school fun things. Ryan had won a ticket to Six Flags through a reading program at school and somehow this free ticket ended up costing me a lot of money, but the kids enjoyed it and i enjoy watching them have fun. It's a win - win situation! It really tickles us how much Rebecca enjoys rides. We had taken her to the county fair back earlier in the summer and she was grinning ear to ear riding the rides.

Ryan is such a good brother. He rode several of the little rides with them and each time he would help them get in their seats, get their belts on, etc. I just love it when he's like that!

It was pretty hot that day, so we ended up going to the water park section a little earlier than we had planned on. That cool water felt great!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Meet Amy - The Other Woman

This is the 'other woman' that my girls love. Which is so funny because Rebecca loved her basically before she ever met her. We hadn't been home long with Rebecca at all when Amy wanted to spend some quality time with Emma, I think to give me some time with Rebecca but also because it had been a while since she had seen her. When we met for the drop off Rebecca cried and cried because she wanted to go with Amy too. She just has that way with my babies.

To back up a bit, Amy was Emma's very first teacher at daycare after we adopted her and they share a very special bond. Basically she's been smitten with the little bug since day one. We like to joke that Amy has visitation rights!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back To School Fun

Here it is late September already and I'm just now talking about 'back to school'. Nothing like being uber-organized. I really desire to get back there one of these days but I have a feeling it's not going to happen any time soon.

Since my new job hadn't started I told the kids that they could each have one day of my time and could do whatever they wanted. Well, within reason that is. Ryan picked the science museum and lunch at Panera. He is so my child & is going to make the best husband for some little chicka one of these days. My buddy Amy, well technically I think she's Emma's buddy but I call her a friend too, offered to keep the girls for me while Ryan enjoyed his day out. Well, one small problem ... a big ol' flood hit the 'ville that day. Amy called on our way into town and told me I may not want to venture down that way because it was flooded. Ryan was sad and kept saying he wasn't going to get his day. The girls were sad because they weren't getting Amy. Amy is much more fun than I am. I was sad because everyone else was sad, plus it was raining which is reason enough to be sad.

Being the kind and gracious girl that she is, Amy took the girls anyway while Ryan and I enjoyed our lunch and then tried finding a back way into downtown. We never found it because traffic was backed up every which way we went.

Subsequently we never made it to the Science Museum that day, but we were able to go on a different day. My baby boy sure likes one on one time w/ his mama. And for the record, I enjoy it too.

This look really means, quit messing with my camera and come help me. Now. Please.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sideshow At The Ballpark

My apologies to those who have already seen this when I posted it on FB, but I had all kinds of technical issues trying to get it rotated correctly. Spent at least two evenings trying to fix it only for my techno-nerd buddy to fix it in about 2.3 seconds. in a serious kind of way .... I'm thinking we must be spending way too much time up at the ballpark, but boy am I thankful for the playground that is right behind the bleachers. I still do not know what made her think to even try this, but I laugh every time I watch this video. The little stinker!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ryan and the 5k

It seems like we have attended our local town fall festival since we moved here in 2001 but we had a lot going on this weekend and we've been gone just about every night the last 3 weeks or more, so we didn't make it this year. Well, we made it long enough for Ryan to run in the 5k and for us to have breakfast then it was off to baseball practice and then work on the house.

I think Ryan came in 3rd for his age division. Not bad considering he really didn't 'train' up for it this year like he did last. He's such a busy little guy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rebecca's Birthday Party

The Birthday Girl
The Cake
Cookies For the Guests

Some of the little partners in crime - I hate to admit it, but I didn't get a picture of all of them. Nor did I get a group shot. There's always next year!
She was SO happy to hear her friends sing Happy Birthday
Make a wish baby girl!
The closest thing to a group shot that we got

Wow, I can't believe it's been a week since Rebecca's birthday. Better late than never I suppose to post some pix! We had the best time, even if it was a tad bit chilly for swimming. Rebecca really tickled us during the present opening time. She would take each present and show it off to everyone with the biggest smile on her face. Too stinkin' sweet!
Thanks to all of you that helped make her day so special!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Little Emma was beebopping around the house the other day singing H.M.'s song that has the lyrics 'everyone makes mistakes'. She stops abruptly and says "I know someone who is perfect. Jesus. And Ryan"! I agree with her on the first part of that but had to remind her that none of us on earth are perfect, not even Ryan. Bless her little bones.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

For Today

In Psalm 61:2, David said, "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I" (NKJV).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl Bex

Tonight we are celebrating little Rebecca's 4th birthday, her first with us. The party will be held at our local community splash pool, the same little pool where we spent most of the summer. Rebecca loves the water so we thought it would be fitting to have it there.

Rebecca is such a blessing to us and such a sweet spirited little girl. While thinking about her upcoming celebration tonight I couldn't help but think of her singing the birthday song to us within a few days of her joining us, her forever family back in January. The director of the foster home where she lived told me the babies loved to sing that song and would sing it over and over, naming each of their friends regardless of whether or not it was their actual birthday.

So tonight, I can't help but think of her little starfish friends from the other side of the world and send good wishes their way. For the ones who have joined their families, I wish there was some way we could all be together on each of our children's birthdays. And for the little starfish still there, little Rebecca loved all of them so much ... I pray for them to find their forever families too and somehow know that a little girl who used to live with them loved them, loved loving on them and loved singing the birthday song with them.

Happy 4th Birthday Rebecca. I'm so glad you're home with us now!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When Did He Start Looking So Grown Up?

When did my little goose start looking like such a big guy? I just about fell over when I first looked through these that the photographer sent. It's funny how this just creeps up on you and somehow the first six weeks of their little lives has suddenly turned into 11 1/2 years but yet it seems like the blink of an eye. Where did the little chubby guy go and when did he sprout up so stinkin' tall? It wasn't that long ago that his little hand held mine as we crossed the street and now he would be mortified if I were to reach for his hand while out in public. It really couldn't have been that long ago either that I held him all the way through church services. Most likely I couldn't hold him for more than a minute now. But yet when I look at these, I get a glimpse of the man he will be in really just a few more years. The little guy who used to get his best sleep while laying right on my chest and now here he is almost as tall as me. My heart just can't take it.