Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When Did He Start Looking So Grown Up?

When did my little goose start looking like such a big guy? I just about fell over when I first looked through these that the photographer sent. It's funny how this just creeps up on you and somehow the first six weeks of their little lives has suddenly turned into 11 1/2 years but yet it seems like the blink of an eye. Where did the little chubby guy go and when did he sprout up so stinkin' tall? It wasn't that long ago that his little hand held mine as we crossed the street and now he would be mortified if I were to reach for his hand while out in public. It really couldn't have been that long ago either that I held him all the way through church services. Most likely I couldn't hold him for more than a minute now. But yet when I look at these, I get a glimpse of the man he will be in really just a few more years. The little guy who used to get his best sleep while laying right on my chest and now here he is almost as tall as me. My heart just can't take it.

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh my he is so handsome. They really DO grow up way too fast.