Outside my window: That's funny, at least today ... I'm at work and my cube is on the interior and my window, well - I like to describe it as a jail cell type window. For months now I've been saying I need to install a phone on the outside.
I Am Thinking: Of the things that need to be done for Christmas, not just for us but for things that should be done for bus drivers, daycare workers, preschool teachers, kindergarten teachers, Sunday school teachers and the list goes on and on. To be quite honest here - I get very overwhelmed. Not to sound un-Christmasy or bah-humbuggy. Nor am I sure that either of those sentiments are actually words. But really, how do you mother's out there get it all done? I'll have to admit that it was pretty easy to do when Ryan was in kindergarten. But is that because I was 6 years younger? Or was that because there was just one child and one set of all the teachers listed above? How does one adequately show appreciation during the most wonderful time of the year when quite frankly, it's difficult to find the time to actually get it done?
I Am Thankful For: Another orphan being united with her
family. I know that I know that I know, that the angels in heaven just have to be rejoicing! There's a long story to share about this family, and their new daughter Jubilee in particular, but I'll have to save that for another time. I'll just have to leave it for now by saying that she is a child of answered prayers and not just prayers from her delightful family either. Something about this precious child touches my heart and has since the first time I saw her picture on our agency's list. Hop on over to their site:
http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/ and give them a big ol' THANK YOU JESUS!
From The Kitchen: You'll be impressed. I actually did cook this weekend! Homemade meatloaf from
The Pioneer Woman's new cookbook! My timing was off and I didn't have it made in time for Brian to be able to enjoy it before he left for the Christmas play that he was in this weekend at church but we'll be enjoying it tonight. We both love meatloaf but unfortunately he doesn't particuarly care for the way I make it and I don't particularly care for the way he makes it. Needless to say, we just avoid it. But surely to goodness this recipe will work for both our tastes. If not, I'll officially give up on meatloaf!
Oh, and the girls and I made some delicious little treats last night. Dab some peanut butter between cheezits and then dip in melted chocolate. YUM! Brian saw it on some show, not sure which one, so we tried them last night. Tasty little things they were - but oh my, my - messy to say the least! The main thing though is that the girls thoroughly enjoyed the mess. He said that on the show they said they taste like little butterfingers. Not so sure that's how they taste to be but they are good!
I Am Wearing: Black slacks, white turtle neck and purple vest.
I Am Creating: Someone please throw out an idea that fits me for a category? I did help Ryan with a school project on Spain yesterday and used some of my scrapbooking things so I guess that could technically fall into 'creating'.
I Am Going: To be starting a new job next week. I know, I know - I haven't shared anything about this. I've only been at my current job for a little over 3 months at this point but something better came along from a financial and location perspective so I'm making the change. This has been a very difficult decision for me because a job changer I am not. When my job was lost back in January, my world really did feel like it was falling apart and then I went those months with very few interviews. Not at all an easy time for me. Prior to working for YUM, I had only had one real grownup job and had almost 10 years in at both places so I do not take changing jobs lightly. There were all kinds of jobs I did while in high school and college but you just have to do what you have to do when you're young. It's much different as a grownup, especially when there is more to consider than just yourself.
I Am Reading: Shanghai Girls. As soon as I'm done w/ that, there are all kinds of things to pick from. Brian and I picked up some new, old books on our day out last week. Several Pearl Buck books, some other China history books that were written before the Cultural Revolution and then for fun, a few first edition Garfield books. Brian has some older comic books that Ryan is now enjoying so he thought Ryan might like to have them. There was a sign hanging up in one of the antique shops we went in that said "Any unread book is a new book". I liked that! I also picked up Bill Cosby's "Fatherhood" book. I remember years ago laughing so hard from that one that I cried. He's such a funny guy and right now, I can't wait to re-read it and enjoy reading for just pleasure as opposed to learning something! There was one more, can't wait to read it either because it's written by my favorite humor columnist Dave Barry, although I don't think he has an actual column anymore. We used to read his columns when we were in Texas and he was always good for a laugh. I'm a little hesitant to share the title but if you want a good laugh, I'll share it once we're finished with it "Dave Barry's Guide to Marriage and/or S**". LOL. I've only read the preface and that had me in stitches. He starts it off by talking about the importance of finding the right spouse. Not as important as finding the right caterer, but it does rank right up there.
Ok, enough of my book reviews for now. For a lesson on oddity, one only needs to visit our book shelves.
I Am Hoping: That my new job is all that I want it to be.
I Am Praying For: The new friendships that were made while working here and hoping that those relationships remain even with my change. Also praying for the family mentioned above who is in China now adopting their daughter.
I Am Hearing: The sounds of a typical office. Typing. Talking. A little laughter thrown in here and there.
Around The House: Presents to wrap, todo lists to write.
One Of My Favorite Things: Movies. Something I truly enjoy but rarely ever get to spend the time doing. While Brian & Ryan were at church last night and after the girls went to bed, I treated myself to "The Proposal". I think I may even go see "The Blind Side" one day next week. The last movie I actually went to see was "13 Pounds" and that was back in January, the day before we left for China. I really should get out more :-) Nothing quite like watching a movie totally alone, I know - it's probably weird. But I enjoyed doing that even back when I was in college. My favorite time to go is the middle of the hot summer and just enjoy the time in the dark cool theater. Now that's nice!
A Few Plans For The Rest of The Week: Basketball practice tonight for Ryan, maybe some more treat making for me and the girls. Twelve month post placement meeting with our social worker Tuesday night. Our last one! We'll be traveling to Lexington that night and we're planning on dinner at our favorite Mediterranian restaurant and then hopefully be able to drive through the Christmas Light display at the Kentucky Horse Park. Time may not permit, but I hope it does! Wednesday so far is open for me, but Brian and Ryan will be going to church. Ryan and Emma both have holiday concerts on Thursday and at separate schools. Not sure if we'll both be able to go to both or if we're going to have to divide and conquer. I'll save that decision for Thursday. Then on Friday we will be ringing the Salvation Army bell at Wal-Mart. We typically buy the little candy canes and let the kids hand them out. It's funny to watch people, and I'll have to admit that I fall into this category when I'm on the other side of the bell - but people approach, some make eye contact but I'd say that most do not. Which I understand, while we do give - we certainly do not give every time we go by. But when little Emma taps them on the arm, hands them a candy cane and wishes them a Merry Christmas ... well, something magical happens. It's amazing to watch. Something about that little dumpling just makes people smile and almost always they come back to the kettle and drop some money in.
Have a good week everyone!