Friday, June 22, 2007

Shelby County Fair

Well, it's the time of year again for the local county fairs to begin. Somehow we've made it a yearly tradition since moving here. It's a great place to run into friends, people watch and let the kids have fun. Plus, there's always the tractor pulls if that's something that interests you. For some reason or another, it really tickles me to see tractor pulls less than 100 yards away from a Saddlebred Horse Show. Not sure there's as much upscale in the horse world as Saddlebreds ...

Anyway, Emma wasn't too sure about the rides last year but this year had a great time! Ryan is such a wonderful big brother and he was so kind to ride with her. We were all tickled because she kept saying she wanted to "go ride the horse race" which really meant the Merry Go Round.

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