Monday, May 21, 2007

Batter Up

Ryan had 3 games this past week and has 3 more scheduled for this week. He's been one tired little goose! They lost two and then won the game on Saturday. There were some pretty good plays on Saturday and one incredibly good catch by one of his team mates.

Emma loves going to Ryan's games, not so much to watch the game but there they have SNACKS. Not only does her papa buy snacks, but most of the time she gets a snack when the baseball players do too. Ryan keeps telling her the snacks are for the players, but the parents keep giving them to her and she's not going to turn them down. I have a feeling she must be hanging around the cooler and flashing her little dimple. She also likes playing with the siblings of some of Ryan's team mates. It's so cute to watch her run off with two of the little boys who are 5 & 7. This past Saturday the two boys were climbing a tree and Emma was standing underneath telling them which branches to climb to ... and to think that Ryan's name means "Capable Executive" ... hmmm.

It hits us sometimes how "accepted" she is and how very much we are thankful for that. Our social worker had asked us during the adoption process if our surrounding community would be accepting and we answered yes and that has been so true. We're truly blessed to live in the area we do.

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