Sunday, August 17, 2008

Topiary Garden

Ok, I promise this will be the last on Columbus - but this was just too cool. Of course my camera battery died soon after we arrived and subsequently I didn't get very many pictures. My favorite topiary in the garden was one out in pond that was a boat, with a fisherman in it, with plants even growing on the fishing line.

From their website:
"Georges Seurat's Famous post impressionist painting, A Sunday On The Island Of La Grande Jatte, is created in topiary. It is the only topiary interpretation of a painting in existence. This "landscape of a painting of a landscape" consists of 54 topiary people, eight boats, three dogs, a monkey, a cat and a real pond. The largest figure is 12' tall."

1 comment:

fleur de lis cottage said...

I love topiaries and would have been in heaven. Wow! Can you imagine the maintenance on those? Simply beautiful!